Saturday 12 April 2014

All Good Things Come in Twos...

Having cautiously ventured out of the house when my boys reached about 2 months and met some amazing fellow twin Mums both on line and in the real world the general consensus is that the majority of Mum blogs, books and groups are geared towards women who have one baby at a time.  As we have all found out (or perhaps you are about to, Congratulations!) life is very different with twins.  

So, London Twin Club is going to be a place for us to discuss things that make our lives with two at once that little bit easier.  From road testing our twin buggies and strollers, to taking a trip on an aeroplane with twin babies (yikes!).  From the best way to breast or bottle feed your twosome to throwing the ultimate twin birthday fest!

We will share pregnancy and birth experiences and calm nerves, a twin birth can often result in a stay in hospital which sounds very scary but needn't be and a twin pregnancy can be exhausting so lets share tips on what made it easier, for me carrying an extra 63lbs was killer.  Negotiating being a working Mum of twins and trying to keep your own identity now you are the woman who has two babies, lets talk about that too.

There are many things we have discovered along the way both helpful and some not-so-much so feel free to get in touch and let me know about your experiences with twins, because wherever you are in the world, I feel you Mama!